We are continuing to gather the names of people who spent time at Morningside Hospital. Our online tool for searching for patients by name is currently down. However, you can still use the following links to browse patient lists from different sources. Depending on the source, they contain varying amounts of information about Morningside patients. Like the online database, these lists should not be considered 100% complete or accurate.
Browse by Category
1900-1929 1930-1949 1950-1960s 1970-1980s Court Records Investigations & Inspections Media Coverage Morningside Hospital Oral Histories Patient Burials Patient List Patient Photos Patient Stories Photos Quality of Care Research Project News The Coes Treatment/Outcomes Uncategorized
How You Can Help
Please contact us if you have:- Morningside Hospital records
- Stories about relatives who were patients at Morningside
- Newspaper articles about Morningside
- Photos, moving pictures, or video of Morningside
- Anything else that will help shed light on Morningside Hospital
Morningside Record Archive